z Features

payments integration

Because of our connections, we can provide custom-built payment integrations to companies all around the world.

You can have access to all of our knowledge, no matter what your business. Our high-availability payment integration will provide you the most strong and reliable services.

End-to-end payment
integration solutions tailored
to your business needs

Whether you own an e-commerce business or a gambling platform, our payments experts can help you build a custom-made solution that fits your specific needs.

Secured data

Plaid Coders adheres to the most recent security and privacy standards, so you can be confident that your data is secure and in safe hands.

Zero downtime

We optimize our architecture for stability, ensuring that your payments are always available, even if the rest of your product is down.

Scale without worry

Plaid Coders use cutting-edge technology to manage and process data of any size or complexity, allowing you to expand your business without worrying about your payment system.

24-7 support

We offer immediate and personalized payment management support, ensuring that your questions are answered and problems are resolved as soon as possible.

Plaid Coders provides you with the only
payment integration you'll ever need

Unified platform

Simplify your payments with a single, uniform API that scales with your company needs.

Global payment

Expand globally with local acquisition in major markets. Get support for popular currencies and payment methods.

Data & insight

Get a completely transparent overview of your payment data, as well as fast insights for better decision making.

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